Our policies and practices for the safety of our guests, staff, and property.
Horseback riding is classified as a "RUGGED ADVENTURE RECREATIONAL SPORT ACTIVITY." Therefore, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason deemed appropriate by management of Horseback Trail Rides for the safety of our guests, staff, or property. We further reserve the right to alter, modify, or cancel a ride due to bad weather or unsafe conditions.
Riders younger than 17 years are required, under Florida Law, to wear ASTM/SEI certified head protection. These are provided as a complementary service.
All prices and availability of rides are subject to change without notice by Horseback Trail Rides.
All riders must make reservations to ride by calling 321-632-7085, at least 2 hours in advance of the ride. It is the riders' responsibility to ensure they arrive at the Ranch at the correct time. Please be ready 15 - 20 minutes prior to your ride. Duration of rides are One and a Half hours plus mounting and dismounting time. Expect to spend at least 2 hours at the Ranch.
Please call 321-632-7085 and speak to one of our agents for itinerary changes.
We look forward to riding with you.
Under Florida law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury to, or the death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.
The full text of the 'Florida Equine Activity Statute' can be viewed here